Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm back in Fairbanks after three weeks in Western Alaska. It was an event-filled time. We hauled water, sang songs, swam in 58 degree water, accidently set my hair on fire, canoed, hiked, watched a muktuk (whale blubber) eating contest, picked berries, and ate a dangerous amount of s'mores.

Our first stop was Kotzebue where we held a 4-day Girl Scout camp for girls ages 6-12.

We created solar ovens, decorated t-shirts (which Alanna models is the adjecent photo), made clay refrigerators, and had a crazy hair fashion show (Goody donated 500 of its new hairbands to our office last month!). Yes, that is a side bun on my head:)

After Kotzebue, we headed to Nome for our high school girl camp. We stayed at a cabin on Salmon Lake, 35 miles outside of Nome. There was no running water or electricity, and the girls complained about not being able to charge their iPods.

We canoed on the beautiful lake, and the water was so clear that I could see my toes when I was neck-deep.

After Salmon Lake we headed to Camp Dexter, which is a camp owned by the Girl Scouts, five miles out of Nome. We hosted camps for Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts, the photos for which are on a memory card I have yet to upload.

Our last few days in Nome were spent at the home of a gracious Nome family, the Horner's. They fed us real food and let us shower! They also took us sightseeing to Anvil Mountian and the Train to Nowhere.